After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, one of the first calls you will likely receive is from the at-fault party’s insurance company. The insurance adjuster you speak to will probably sound friendly and you might even feel like he or she is trying to help you. However, it is important to remember that the insurance adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company money. To accomplish this, he or she will try to elicit statements from you that can potentially harm your case or derail your chances of obtaining any compensation for your injuries.
We have compiled a list below of four different types of statements you should never make when speaking to an insurance adjuster:
- “In my opinion” statements: The second you start to guess or offer your opinion regarding the accident, you will begin to find yourself in some hot water you might not be able to get out of. If you do not know an answer to a question, do not guess, even if the adjuster asks for your opinion. In fact, as a general rule of them, you should never answer any questions that go beyond the basic facts of your accident, such as where it occurred, the date it occurred, and the make and model of your car. Delving into details beyond that are not in your best interests and could potentially hurt your claim.
- “It was my fault” statements: For some, taking the blame or apologizing are practically knee-jerk reactions. If you act impulsively and take the blame for an accident that was not your fault, however, you can expect the insurance adjuster to make a note of it and to use it against you to ensure you are not able to obtain compensation. Even if you do believe you are at fault for the accident, you do not have all the facts yet and should simply allow everyone to do their jobs and investigate the accident before you start volunteering to accept the blame for it.
- “I’m not hurt” statements: It is not uncommon for symptoms to take time before they begin to manifest, especially given the rush of adrenaline one experiences after being involved in an accident. This is why it is generally not recommended for accident victims to talk about their injuries or lack thereof so soon after an accident. When you have reached maximum medical improvement and work on a demand letter with your attorney, you will be able to discuss them. Anything before that is a detriment to your personal injury claim.
- Providing a recorded statement: You will also be asked to provide a recorded statement. While the insurance adjuster might phrase this in a very compelling way and you might even believe you are required to agree to such a request, you are in no way obligated to do so. You must politely refuse any and all requests for a recorded statement. Moreover, if the adjuster tries to engage in more conversation, put an end to it. These are all tactics to trick you into saying something that might hurt your case.
Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Oneonta
If you were injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligent actions, it is imperative that you seek skilled legal assistance as soon as possible to ensure you have the best possible chance of obtaining the compensation you deserve. At Scarzafava, Basdekis & Dadey, PLLC in Oneonta, our knowledgeable team of personal injury attorneys is backed by decades of experience and a proven track record of success.
Get started on your personal injury case today and reach out to our law firm at (607) 228-8404 to request your free initial case evaluation with one of our compassionate attorneys.